How Good Marketing Impacts Your Business

Anita Sharma
7 min readAug 14, 2021


What makes a business successful?

A great product or creativity.

But is this sufficient?

What if you have Best product and good customer service, But nobody knows about it. Then will you survive in the market?

Of course not!

That is why Marketing is Important to make your Brand recognised by the world.

In this article i am going to talk about Marketing and companies who have perfected their brand identity and reached height of success.

The Fundamentals Of Marketing

The entire core of Marketing depends on your product. What if the product is not up to the mark and you started Marketing it. Will it work?

It will work in short term but in the Long term it will be flopped and all the Marketing expenses will be wasted.

If the product is great and provides value to the customer. It will started selling by itself.

Marketing starts before creating a product by understanding needs of clients and how will the product make their life easier.

For example lets talk about Digital Deepak

Digital Deepak’s product are that great they don’t even need to do marketing.

His customer’s himself refers other to join his courses because they create value in our life.

and values are always greater than money.

Deepak started giving values in people’s life in his blog and this helped him to drive attention towards him and build trust among all.

This took him a long way but now he has his own personal brand.

That’s why his courses and Internship program does not need any Marketing as he came up with great services which brings values to our life.

Digital Marketing vs Traditional Marketing

Most of us think that Digital Marketing is the winner and Traditional Marketing is becoming dead

Even though Digital Marketing is taking over Traditional marketing slowly.

But we can’t say that Digital is the only future or only way to market.

For example:

If the product is very general and needs a very wide targeting then traditional marketing like TV Ads and Newspaper Ads are best as it can reach millions of audience at a very low cost.

Another thing about Traditional Marketing is that it grabs our attention directly. Like Billboards on the road

Have a look at this Woodland billboard

They are heading for traditional marketing instead of digital one as they want to target a wide audience.

In their opinion this is a neat way of traditional marketing to show their shoe to the world.

But there are limitations with Traditional Marketing.

  1. Unable to measure campaign report
  2. No Direct Interaction with customer

And Trust is the only thing which humans understand and builds up customer relationship.

In Digital Marketing we can Measure campaign reports, Retarget the customers and contact with them in a digital way to gain their attention towards the product.

Targeting a specific group is also possible in Digital Marketing.

But it keeps evolving and evolving time to time.

CATT Marketing Funnel

What is funnel?

The path that your customer travel through

Then what is CATT Funnel?

This effective model of marketing is invented by my Mentor Deepak Kanakaraju.

CATT Stands for





Content is creating useful content that attracts people from the specific niche you are working in.

Creating Blog, videos, infographics, short videos like reels are all content which creates value in people life and give them information.

And this is what helps in seeking people attention. We Humans cannot seek our attention on anything. We get our attention on the things we want in our life or any solution which will make us feel good.

And when we pay attention to anything like any Brand like NIKE.

We start automatically trusting them and trust is the only important thing in any business.

No one will become your customer if they don’t trust you or your brand.

And this trust led the client to transact into the business and become customer.

And this is the secret of wealth of brands.

Wealth = n^CATT

Where n stands for Niche

For Example:

Content: I started scrolling down posts and articles of nike shoes and this led me to their website where i saw lots of shoes and products.

Attention: Then i started getting Ads of Nike shoes on my Instagram which led me to their quality products.

Trust: After seeing all the products and reviews of the shoes my trust for Nike boosted and i was thinking of buying one too for myself. I started to collect money for Nike shoes (They are quite expensive though LoL)

Transaction: Then i ordered a Nike Airforce 1 Shoe and got that in 2 days only.

I was fully satisfied with their great product and marketing.

Integrated Digital Marketing

It is a strategy of delivering messages across all the social channels.

Integrated Marketing communications is the best way to reach out to your potential customer who are willing to buy your product and services.

In the above image you can see is the chart of Integrating Digital Marketing.

In this first the customer will come to the content and sign up a newsletter with email than the brand will send them email about them.

They are most likely to comeback to your blog or video and with the help of social signals they will come to your social media.

and they will do transaction if they like the product.

For Example:

When i was scrolling down to Nike shoes on my Instagram i got the website link of Nike and redirected to their sales page

I added Nike Airforce 1 on my cart but did not checkout (I don’t have enough money at that time)

Then after 4–5 hours i started seeing Instagram ads about Nike Airforce 1, they emailed me too about you have pair of Nike shoes in your cart

And finally after 3 days i bought the shoes.

So this shows Nike was also doing Integrating Digital Marketing by recommending about their shoes all over the social media.

And they successfully converted me as a paying customer.

Power of Personal Branding

Do you know about Elon Musk?

We all probably know about him.

But do you know about Space x, The boring company and hyper loop?

Only 10–20% of us knows that these companies are Elon Musk’s.

We Humans trust a person more than a company or brand. and when you start to get know that this person is trust worthy then you’ll automatically start trusting their brands also.

And this is the power of personal branding.

For example:

One of the best known Educating website is Learn today.

CEO of Learn Today is Deepak Kanakaraju and by the help of his personal brand his education website is performing great.

Because we trust Deepak and his company.

And he can give rise to the many brands from his influence.

How to make your own Personal Brand

Learn: Learning new skills through facts and procedure will help you in remembering them in long term.

Work: Implementing your new skills on work is they best way to practice and this will help you in giving better understanding.

For example: Doing a job, working as a freelancer or working on your own project.

Write: When you write about what you have learned and experienced through your journey it will gradually help in creating your own personal brand.

Creating blog or telling your story on youtube by videos is the best way.

Consult: Consulting others and giving knowledge to them is the best way to communicate with others and it will also help in building a network with them.

Mentor: Teach others and help them become like you. Mentoring others will help you in understanding things at a whole new level.

Startup: Starting your own company or product with the help of skills you have gained in the past and what you have understand by the marketing and problems of clients and solution for them.


Great product and Good Marketing plays a vital role in creating wealth.

Integrating them in digital way is the best way to reach out to your potential clients

Building Trust is the most important aspect of any business.

Understanding the marketing, solving customer’s problem and creating values in their life will definitely create wealth in long run.

The Best known will always beat the best and that is the power of Personal Branding.

Thats all for today please feel free to share your thoughts regarding my article in comment box.



Anita Sharma
Anita Sharma

Written by Anita Sharma


The problem of being faster than light is that you can only live in darkness.

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